공부한 것
- RLIKE, REGEX 함수 - 문자열 패턴을 정규표현식을 사용해서 비교하고 일치 여부를 확인한다.
-- regular like, regular expression
RLIKE '^[조건 범위]'
REGEX '^[조건 범위]'
- 정규표현식
a-zA-Z : 알파벳
0-9 : 숫자
^ : 문자열 시작 표시
[] : 범위 설정
+ : 조건 잇기
$ : 문자열 종료 설정. 설정하지 않으면 뒤에 문자열이 추가될 수 있다.
* : 직전의 조건 범위를 충족하는 문자의 개수는 0 이상이다.
\\. : 메타문자인 도트 앞에 이스케이프 문자(역슬래시) 두개 붙이기
Table: Users
| Column Name | Type |
| user_id | int |
| name | varchar |
| mail | varchar |
user_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
This table contains information of the users signed up in a website. Some e-mails are invalid.
Write a solution to find the users who have valid emails.
A valid e-mail has a prefix name and a domain where:
- The prefix name is a string that may contain letters (upper or lower case), digits, underscore '_', period '.', and/or dash '-'. The prefix name must start with a letter.
- The domain is '@leetcode.com'.
Return the result table in any order.
The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Users table:
| user_id | name | mail |
| 1 | Winston | winston@leetcode.com |
| 2 | Jonathan | jonathanisgreat |
| 3 | Annabelle | bella-@leetcode.com |
| 4 | Sally | sally.come@leetcode.com |
| 5 | Marwan | quarz#2020@leetcode.com |
| 6 | David | david69@gmail.com |
| 7 | Shapiro | .shapo@leetcode.com |
| user_id | name | mail |
| 1 | Winston | winston@leetcode.com |
| 3 | Annabelle | bella-@leetcode.com |
| 4 | Sally | sally.come@leetcode.com |
The mail of user 2 does not have a domain.
The mail of user 5 has the # sign which is not allowed.
The mail of user 6 does not have the leetcode domain.
The mail of user 7 starts with a period.
내 답안
select user_id, name, mail from Users
where mail rlike '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*+@leetcode\\.com$'
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